Winter problems: Dry hair + Scalp issues
I recently did a poll on my Instagram to see if people were having some common winter hair problems and the majority of you were having either one of these issue or both.
Everytime the season changes, so does your hair and its needs. During the winter we are in places that have heat so it’s sucking the moisture out of our hair + skin. We then are throwing hats on our heads that cause friction, we are in colder weather- making the hair brittle and we are blow drying our hair more cause it’s so cold out! All these things cause our hair to be more dry.
Here’s some things you can do to counter act this:
-change your shampoo and conditioner- my go to is changing to the Loma Nourishing shampoo + conditioner during the winter months to give the hair more moisture.
-add in a deep conditioner 1x a week. My must have is Amika Soulfood
And lastly, our scalp….scalp issues come up all year long but around this time of year, it’s dry itchy scalp that usually comes about with the dryer weather and being in, indoor heating all the time.
Things that you can do to help with this:
-Loma moisturizing shampoo is great for mild Dry scalp.
-for more intense dry scalp, Milbon Scalp Gel is great for this.
-Cult+King Tonik, great for more intense scalp issues to help balance the PH and give your scalp all the nutrients it needs.
Come on in and pick up and of these during your next appointment! Have a great rest of winter!